How to Help

Plans to allow access to the Palo Duro backcountry have languished for over two decades. We need your help to create change. Contact our local representatives and tell them you want better funding, backcountry trails, and increased access to Palo Duro Canyon State Park.

Contact Ken King, chair of the Texas House Committee on Culture, Recreation, and Tourism

Phone: (512) 463-0736


Talk About: Increased funding to Palo Duro Canyon for trail maintenance and staff, a fast-tracked Park Use Plan, trails into the backcountry, access to Canoncita, and recreational use of grazing leases.

Contact John Smithee, Texas House Representative for District 86, including Randall County

Phone: (512) 463-0702


Talk About: Funding for Palo Duro, local interest in the park, the benefits of backcountry access for the local tourism economy, and trail development and maintenance in the state park.

Contact Four Price, Texas House Representative for District 87, including Potter County

Phone: (512) 463-0470


Talk About: Funding for Palo Duro, local interest in the park, the benefits of backcountry access for the local tourism economy, and trail development and maintenance in the state park.

Contact additional members of the Texas House Committe on Culture, Recreation, and Tourism

Phone: Megan Quijano, Clerk, (512) 463-1974

Talk About: Additional funding for Palo Duro, keeping more Palo Duro visitor fees with the park instead of sending the money further south, opening donated Canoncita land, and recreational access to grazing leases.

Contact Palo Duro Canyon State Park


Talk About: Let them know that you're aware that 15,000 acres of the state park is restricted, even though the new park maps are designed to show that far less is closed. Ask them to make sure the new Park Use Plan includes trails into the backcountry and access to Canoncita. Tell them you're hopeful that a limited permit access system will be implemented past Equestrian trail in the very near future.